
What is Bentonite?The term Bentonite was first used for a clay found in about 1890 in upper cretaceous tuff near Fort Benton, Wyoming. The main constituent, which is the determinant factor in the clay’s properties, is the clay mineral montmorillonite. This in turn, derives its name from a deposit at Montmorillon, in Southern France.Bentonite is … Read more

Natural Zeolite

WHAT IS ZEOLITE? Zeolites are a family of crystalline aluminosilicate minerals. The first zeolite was described in 1756 by Cronstedt, a Swedish mineralogist who coined the name from two Greek words meaning ‘boiling stones’, referring to the evolution of steam when the rock is heated. About fifty natural zeolites are now known and more than … Read more

Choromite Ore

CHROME ORE More than 85 per cent of all chromium produced is destined for the production of stainless steels and the closely related heat-resistant steels. Chromium, together with other metals such as copper, nickel, titanium and vanadium, is added to iron to produce steels with greatly increased strength and rust- and corrosion-resistance. Ferrochrome is an … Read more

Manganese Ore

MANGANESE 0RE High grade metallurgical manganese ore is generally smelted and refined to produce ferromanganese, an alloy which has long been used in the processing of steel.Just as the main downstream use of ferrochrome is stainless steel. ferromanganese is beneficiated as carbon steel. As an alloying agent, ferromanganese is invaluable in imparting strength, toughness and … Read more


Magnesite is an important industrial mineral composed of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). Pure magnesite is theoretically 47.8% MgO and 52.2% CO2. It is the source of two-thirds of the 9 Mt of magnesia (MgO) used annually throughout the world; 25% is extracted from sea water, with the balance coming from brines or other mineral sources such … Read more